We're in the final week of a very hotly contested election season. And people from all parts of the political spectrum have contributed to the generally acrid environment. I find myself feeling pretty upset at times.
In the midst of such malevolence, is it possible for Christians to live out the clear command of Christ in John 13: 34, "Love one another"? And the even more difficult command in Matt. 5:44, "Love your enemies"?
If you are an apprentice of Jesus, hopefully it has dawned on you by now that the Christian life is IMPOSSIBLE to live. That is, it is impossible if you are merely living it in the power of the flesh. The "flesh" is Paul's way of talking about the life whose volition is still centered in the sensual self.
"With God, all things are possible."
In 1st Corinthians, Paul contrasts the "fleshly" person with the "spiritual" person. The Holy Spirit is given so that we can live out of a new volitional center--our spirit, empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Our sensual, ego-centered self does not disappear, but becomes submissive to our new God-center.
Christ is the hope of the world. But he is making his appeal through us, his apprentices in kingdom living. If we truly want to be the salt and light that we have been called to be, we will cry out to him to supply the power to truly love others, yes even political foes. Christ died for all. Can we love those whom He loves, regardless of politics? The answer lies in the transformation of our hearts, through the power of the indwelling Spirit, so that we operate under the rulership of God--true Kingdom living.
What would this election season look like if the church became The Church and Christians began loving one another--even their political opponents--like Christ loves us all? Just a thought.
Thanks for the post Mark. It truly is difficult to "love your enemies," but as you commented, "all things are possible with God." But, it's not laborious to do so with His Holy Spirit living and flowing out through us. I've pretty much stopped reading the news since relocating to Henan, China. The "news" is not the same here and I never much liked CNN...noticed many people throwing around the word "socialist" as if it were synanimous (spelling) to some kind of enemy or traitor...I'm a capitalist and love my home (USA) very much and wonder if anyone there really even understands what socialism is...I do know that I have met many nice people who love the Lord here and I thank the Lord for a good church to plug into...although everything is in Chinese, I never hear anyone talking about socialism or even politics for that matter...just trying to make a point that in Jesus Christ there truly is love and fellowship in the Holy Spirit regardless of personal ideology. - jerry