It made me think, "What are the simplest instructions in my house?" The truth is, I deal with them every day. They are on my shampoo bottle:

2. Rinse
3. Repeat
In Matthew 22, a teacher of the law asked Jesus what the greatest single law from the Torah was. Jesus answered, "Love God." And secondarily, "Love your neighbor." Jesus wraps up his discussion by saying, "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" (Matt. 22: 40). Or to paraphrase it, "This sums up the Torah."
So, you could say that the entire ethical imperative of Torah may be as simple as that bottle of shampoo.
1. Love God
2. Love People
3. Repeat
What would our world look like if the Church were involved in fulfilling those two simple commands, and then kept doing it over and over again?
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